Healing Our Schools in Jesus Name
We all feel so helpless when we see the tragedies on TV at our schools. We are in the battle and the enemy does not fight fair, he has come to steal and kill and destroy our kids. This has to be stopped. The law can’t stop it, but God can. There is an answer, it is time to invite Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Prayer back into our Schools. The world thinks this is foolishness, but the Bible tells us that the Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing. The Bible also tells us that without a vision my people will parish.
It’s time to get God’s vision for our schools.
2 Corinthians 10:4 (NASB)
4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
At the prayer company we have seen with our own eyes God’s presence coming into a nation, a city, a school, when we have invited His presence. He is waiting to be invited back in by us. In one country we asked God, what he wanted us to do, and he told us to anoint with anointing oil, the four corners of a square in the capital city of Mongolia, and to declare that we would share the Gospel from that spot. At the time it was impossible, but six months later we were sharing the gospel from that very spot. That was a prophetic act. I believe that God wants to release anointing and covering over all of our schools and educational centers. There are many ways that God can use us and our children; here are some ideas to ask about God about. We believe that anointing with oil is a tangible way of imparting His presence. The Prayer Company wants to partner with you, in healing your schools in Jesus name.
We believe that if we would began to anoint our schools and pray over the entrances, playgrounds, buildings, classrooms, etc.… , that God would began to move just as powerfully as He did in Mongolia and more.
Here is how we can do it.
- Put anointing oil on you and your children’s hands and touch
- Put anointing oil on the bottom of your and your children’s shoes and walk
- Pray inviting God (Holy Spirit) back into our schools
- Pray for God’s goodness and presence to fill our schools to over flowing
- Pray for His peace to come
- Pray for unity – no more us against them – Love is the perfect bound of Unity
- Pray for His Holy angels to guard and protect our schools.
If you are hearing God speak to you right now, remember that our weapons are powerful and mighty, for the tearing down of strongholds. Let us anoint with oil and pray for every school and learning center across our country and see God move powerfully, in Healing Our Schools in Jesus Name.
We want to here from you
Be encouraged and encourage others. Send us your testimonies to share with others here.