Entries by Jimun77tpc

Prayer of Repentence

Dick Hochreiter Admin · April 20 at 8:37 AM Day 24 Coronavirus Global Prayer Devotion – 19 April 2020 Prayer focus – REPENTANCE(Greek – Metanoia -change of heart, 180 degrees turn ) Let’s pray- Father this day we humble ourselves before You, for Lord You are gracious and compassionate. You will not turn Your face from us […]

Eradicating Starvation in Africa 2020 Report

Jesus Food Mission Possible by Dick Hochreiter   The population of Africa is approximately 1 billion 216 million.  The Bible tells us very plainly that the truth will set us free.  Back in 2017 when I received the vision of eradicating starvation in Africa it seemed like an impossible task.   In the vision the […]

Asking the Lord

Last night we had a revival meetings as we were praying I was asking the Lord what does revival look like this is what I heard “revival is when everyone in the body of Christ does their part as we listen to the Holy Spirit in our lives families homes our fellowships our work our […]

Prophetic Acts:

Hearing God’s Voice and acting In the Bible and in the world today we can see God’s supernatural power come to the natural through prophetic acts.  What is a prophetic act?  In the Bible, a prophet was someone who heard from God and spoke to the people what God has said.  A prophetic act is […]