The Story of Vision 2020
When we began Jesus Food, we wanted to bring Christ to the center of our packaging and distribution rather than just function as a generic aid organization.
Right away we were told by the founder of one of the largest food programs in America that Jesus Food would never work, that there was no way we could succeed with a name like that.
Interestingly – the very person who told us this was the one that eventually helped us to start it.
As we would package and ship we began to hit all the same roadblocks every other feeding program hits.
Problems getting the food to the destination.Shipping costs. Never ending customs paperwork. And shipments stuck sitting on docks for months.
One day as we were praying about this frustration the Lord said why don’t you package on site in the countries you are wanting to help?
Thinking it over it became so simple and obvious. Rather than paying the cost of all those logistic and bureaucratic battles, we could be investing that time, effort, and money directly where it was needed.
God continued to clarify this, showing us how that by purchasing food and supplies locally, as well as training the people there in packing and distribution, we would be blessing the local economies as well as building business relationships and giving the local body of Christ powerful tools to help spread the gospel.
We immediately began to put together the necessary supplies and did our first in country food pack in Tanzania. The people were so encouraged to be a part of this, some of the vendors we purchased food from even gave a discount because of how we were using it.
In stark contrast to our distribution frustrations of the past, we were seeing Jesus shared and food given on the same day it was packed.
And it was while I was there on that trip that God showed me His vision for Jesus Food and for all of Africa.
On June 19th and 20th, 2017, God woke me in the night and said, “do you want to know my vision for Africa?”
I was startled and hesitated. But then said yes.
Then God said, “my vision is to eradicate starvation in all of Africa by 2020.”
God said, “my vision, your project – a Jesus Food project – Love your neighbor – Africans feeding Africans – My Church, not, ‘the church’, but MY Church, MY people will answer the call and eradicate starvation in all of Africa by 2020.”
Then He told me to get out my map of Africa. I unrolled it and taped it to the wall. He said, “write the vision on the map.”
The second night, the 20th of June, again I was awakened and I asked, “why Jesus Food?”
The Lord said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to Myself.”
Why did you say love your neighbor?
He said,” It’s the second greatest commandment. The first greatest command is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and then to love your neighbor as yourself.My love is what will compel my people to do this. True neighbors won’t let neighbors starve to death. Africans feeding their neighbors in Jesus’ name. My Church will answer the call. Those who are the church in name only will just think it is a good idea, but by the end of 2020, I will be eradicating starvation in all of Africa, and the rest of the world soon after. By doing this, we will accomplish two goals: ending starvation, and saving the poorest of the poor in Jesus’ name.”
And then God showed me something I had never thought about. He said,“The difference between hunger and starvation is that hunger is something I created to motivate people.
Starvation is something the devil is using to kill people.
Fulfilling this vision is part of my end-times harvest.”
Once I was back home I felt completely overwhelmed at what I saw as the impossibility of making this happen.
I was familiar with the numbers put out by the World Hunger Organization and as I was thinking how on earth do I even begin I heard theLord say “do the math” – statistics say one child dies every 12 seconds from starvation related diseases in Africa.
He said, “How many die in a minute? 5 “, then he said “how many meals are in the bag? 6 – how many meals can you pack in a minute?”I wasn’t sure.
The next day we did a time trial as we packed Jesus food and we could easily pack 5 bags in a minute with a team of 10 people. Which equals 30 meals a minute.
With just one Jesus food packing line we could out pack starvation in Africa 5 times a minute.Then he said, “how many minutes are in the day? 1440 -how many die in a minute? 5. 1440 X 5 = 7200 that die a day from starvation and starvation related diseases in Africa.
If we can Pack 5 bags a minute or 30 meals a minute then dividing 7200 by 60 minutes is 240 minutes. That means in 4 hours a day with one Jesus food line we can package enough food to eradicate starvation in all of Africa. At a cost of about $.20 a meal = $1440.00 a day.
That night inin Tanzania when God gave the vision my first thought was this is too big to accomplish – and after sharing the vision there and continuing to do so back home there are many times I have felt foolish and a little afraid.
But as God continues to encourage and lead, I see it is possible.
I believe all things are possible through Christ who gives us revelation knowledge !!!
Pray with me that we can continue to break through the strongholds of doubt and unbelief in Jesus name!
Pray for God’s divine appointments with those both in and out of the African continent that will hear His call and take Jesus Food and the gospel to every person in need.